Jul 27, 2017

FAS2551 Review


how has your summer been? i hope it has been a blast :-)

i spent 11 weeks of summer on an internship and i took the internship under FAS2551 FASS Internship. just wanted to do a short and quick review about this module.

FAS2551 is basically a 4MC S/U UE module you can take while doing your internship! the workload is pretty light, given the very strict word character limit.

5% work plan
25% fortnight journal
20% final report
50% supervisor's feedback

i would say that taking this module alongside my internship was very manageable.

The Bad:
An NUS vpn was needed to access AIMS (the website to submit your reports). i tried downloading the software but it did not work, so i had to go back to school every fortnight just to upload my journal submission.. it was really annoying and time consuming!

although my academic supervisor replies my emails promptly, but our collaboration with my workplace supervisor was slow. getting approval from school is easy but from work is, not hard but, slow. but after i was cleared and approved, the rest was good.

The Good:
the limited character count really taught me to get straight to the point and keep the irrelevant information out. i was initially frustrated with the super small 500 chac count but i guess i got the hang of it after a few journal entires :)

free SU! i get to take 1 less UE in the future hurray!

although i had to attend some compulsory FASS interview and resume writing workshop, i really learnt a lot from it :) it's also a good eye opener to the working world before stepping into it!


i have yet to receive my results for this module but according to my friend, it's a sure-pass module haha. i hope so!
