Aug 14, 2017

Year 3 Sem 1 Week 1

A different picture this semester:
don't just focus on yourself and your grades.
take the time to look around, 
appreciate your friends,
love them unconditionally,
and tell them that they are beautiful.

hands down, this period of bidding has been the most horrible, hair-wreaking time i have ever had.
not only was i unable to secure a lab and 4k module, i wasn't able to bid for the modules i had in mind. and i had 5 alternative modules in mind. it was terrible!!! 

oddly in the midst of the panic, i had peace. and i knew that it can only be from Christ because such a panic-y person like me can never be calm in such a situation where plan A, B, C, D and E did not work. deep down in my spirit, i knew that there is nothing to be worried about because at the end of the day, i will still have my 5 modules. they may not be the ones i want, but they are definitely the ones that God has best in mind for me. and knowing that this situation was under His control, i felt peaceful in His presence. 

and in the end, i'm taking:
PL3240 Group Dynamics
PL3242 Health Psychology
PL3244 Adolescent Psychogy 
HY2249 Art and History
GET1038 Communication in Small Groups 

3/5 of the modules are never part of my plans, and honestly i don't know how i am actually gonna make it through art and history because the last time i touched a history subject was in secondary 2 :o and i didn't want GET1038 because it has exam and i was trying to have 3 exams only. in the end, i have 4 exams and the dates aren't pretty. sigh. breathe, breathe, His grace is sufficient for me. 

i foresee this semester to be really different because of the unexpected modules and all my close friends in school are going on exchange :(( it's going to be a tough semester but i'm looking forward to see what is going to happen. a new semester means a new adventure with Jesus! new experiences with God's unconditional, unfailing love, grace and mercy. :-) and He is here for you too, right here, right now. call out to Jesus and He will answer you for sure, because He loves you as much and as unconditionally too! <3 

i hope you got the modules you want! time passes really fast in university, make the most of it my friends :') i can't believe i'm year 3 already! it's really too fast and i just want everything to slow down. 

have a splendid semester 1! there's so much more to life than copping yourself at home or fretting about your grades. in the end, it's about who you are and how you carry yourself that determines where you end up :-) treasure the time you have, appreciate your friends, spend time with the people you love and surround yourself with friends who build each other up, not tear each other down :)

God bless!

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18